The Global Warming Express has received public recognition for the many achievements our kids have accomplished over our history. Here are a few:

Congressional Outstanding Service Award
“In honor of your dedication to Climate Change Advocacy for New Mexico and The Planet Earth we gladly present this certificate of recognition to Global Warming Express Youth Program, Sierra Club.”
Debra A Haaland
U.S. Representative
1st District, New Mexico

Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award
On Earth Day, 2016, two members of the GWE Acequia Madre group, on behalf of all the GWEers, went to Albuquerque to accept an Award from the Governor for Environmental Excellence in Youth Projects (K-12)

2016 Heritage Preservation Award
“The Compatible New Construction Award is hereby presented to: The Global Warming Express for inspiration and action at 700 Acequia Madre.”
Javier Gonzales
Santa Fe, New Mexico
The award was granted for architectural design of the solar installation at Acequia Madre Elementary School.

Hasbro / Points of Light Community Action Heroes Award
The Hasbro Community Action Hero Award recognizes outstanding youth 5-18, who are making an extraordinary impact on their communities through service. Since 2010, Hasbro and generationOn have recognized 50 youth for their real life contributions through hands-on service projects that create awareness for important social issues. Hasbro grants the Points of Light Action Hero Award to The Global Warming Express for their contributions to climate awareness and sustainability.

Sustainable Santa Fe Award
“In the Category of ‘Youth Led’, The Sustainable Santa Fe Commission and Youth Advisory Board Presents to Global Warming Express the 2014 Sustainable Santa Fe Award”
Javier Gonzales
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Rob Hirsch Climate Change Leadership Institute Award
“The Global Warming Express is powerfully and creatively bringing forth climate change, solutions locally and beyond and we wish not only to congratulate the group. but to support you in partnership and solidarity.”
Rob Hirsch
Founder & Executive Director
The Climate Change Leadership Institute

Sprout Award
New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light ~ 2019
Presented to
Marina Weber-Stevens
... is a By Kids / For Kids Think Tank Program for kids ages 8-12. The program is designed to be mentored by grownups, but powered by kids, who decide what Small Goals and Big Goals they want to accomplish.
The Global Warming Express is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, based in New Mexico..
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