What GWE Does


Students Study Climate and More

The GWE after-school curriculum is as diverse as its student body. Earth Science and Climate Science and Solutions form the backbone of the mentorship material, supplemented by visual and performing arts, geography, civics, and public speaking along with the kid-driven advocacy and action component.  The students bring their own concerns to the material, and learn how to advocate for themselves and design solutions, which they implement in the second half of their school year. Underlying all of the curriculum is consistent training in mindfulness and connection, which weaves an invisible thread through all of the leaning and activity.


We Dream About What We Can Change

Each group of GWEers decides which Big and Small Goals they would like to achieve in the school year, or beyond — goals that will help their school, community or city/counties function more resiliently. In New Mexico, during the school year, the groups will come together for field trips, such a visiting the Santa Fe Community College’s Sustainable Technologies, participating in legislative meetings, and attending park or wilderness outings.


Students Take Local Action to Create a More Sustainable Future

With their Big and Small Goals established, each group takes action to implement them. For example, at Acequia Madre Elementary, the Big Goal was to solarize the school – a very big goal indeed, as their school, and their entire neighborhood were in a no-solar, historic district. It took them two years and a lot of work, but the kids saw their goal come true and their entire neighborhood district gained approval for solar. Kids + Mindful Thinking + Community Support + Patience + Advocacy can create change. It is experiences like these that build confidence in our young leaders that they can make a difference right now. They don’t have to wait until they are adults, and they know what they think, say and do matters. Establishing their commitment to thoughtful, resilient solutions, having success getting adults to listen and making changes they are proud of is an essential part of the GWE experience.


We Inspire Others to Do the Same

The Global Warming Expressers are coming to realize that the world they are growing into is filled with profound challenges that demand mindful, creative solutions. Already they are finding that grownups are listening to them, and encouraging them to become engaged citizens in their communities. What better gift can we all give ourselves than the ability to transform the world, one breath, one thought and one thoughtful action at a time?


15 + 14 =


... is a By Kids / For Kids Think Tank Program for kids ages 8-12. The program is designed to be mentored by grownups, but powered by kids, who decide what Small Goals and Big Goals they want to accomplish.

The Global Warming Express is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, based in New Mexico..


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