Raton Global W.E. kids go to Sugarite Canyon!!!!

Jan 5, 2025 | Community Support, Events

In Raton, Global W.E.students took a field trip to Sugarite Canyon State Park, east of Raton Pass. Apart from being a beautiful, 4-mile stretch of wilderness with ponderosa pines and gambel oak forest ,the park is also the site of the remains of a coal mine which was constructed in the park in 1894.  At least one of the Global W.E. students is a descendant of a coal miner from that mine. The children learn about how coal and fossil fuels are created with our curriculum picture book, Buried Sunlight, read aloud on our Curriculum app- https://gwelearn.org/#/s9/p1 by former Global W.E.student, Magnificent Farrell, who joined the GWE at age 9 and is now a Climate Science major at UNM.


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... is a By Kids / For Kids Think Tank Program for kids ages 8-12. The program is designed to be mentored by grownups, but powered by kids, who decide what Small Goals and Big Goals they want to accomplish.

The Global Warming Express is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, based in New Mexico..


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